Abingdon wins 3A Region D title at home over Northside

Abingdon wins 3A Region D title at home over Northside 150 150 SWVA High School Sports


Abingdon HS, Abingdon, VA – The Abingdon Falcons made some history Saturday night. It was the first time since joining the 3A ranks that the Falcons have won the 3A region D title. And they did it in grand fashion. Coach Aaron Williams was quick to note the significance of the quality of opponent Abingdon had defeated to get here. “The last two games, we played against the state champs from the previous two years. Northside from two years ago, Cave Spring last year. (We) Knew we’d have to play good basketball to beat Northside. Coach Pope has been there forever (41 years). The gym is named after him. We know his team is going to compete for 32 minutes.”
Competition was definitely on display Saturday night. And with two competitive teams, oftentimes comes fouls.

Northside G/F 10 Ayrion Journiette is closely guarded by Abingdon G 15 Ethan Gibson

Fouls played a key role in the game. Northside was called for eight fouls in the first quarter and twelve in the half. Abingdon was called for eight. Vikings F 23 Jamison Foley and G/F 10 Ayrion Journiette had three each at the break. G 20 Quentin Slash, and G 22 Sidney Webb all had two.

Viking G 11 Sidney Webb is called for a charging foul

For the Falcons, their big man, 6’10 C 30 Evan Ramsey had two in the first quarter and G 15 Ethan Gibson collected two in the second. The foul trouble was really the Viking’s achilles heel all night and Coach Pope took notice. “All things considered we were really in pretty good position until late in third. Then our foul trouble went from bad to worse… not an excuse, just a fact. We made the fouls so we are taking responsibility for that. Bottom line is it really changed the way we could defend, play either end. But that is part of the game, not the first time that has happened.”

Northside G/F 11 Lawrence Cole draws contact as he drives to the bucket

Everything was contested. In the end, the Falcons dealt with it better. They hit the shots in the second half, five for five from three and 3/4 on field goals. Northside was 11/17 from the field but only 3/12 from three. That was the difference. Abingdon Coach Williams spoke about dealing with what is dealt, “When you get to a region final and advance in the state, you can’t expect referees to win games for you. Referees are typically going to let teams play as much as they can. You expect it.”

Abingdon G 3 Jake Thacker brings the ball up the court against Northside pressure

First Half – The game went back and forth in the first half. Abingdon runs a particularly effective half court zone, a matchup up 3-2.

Evan Ramsey, Abingdon’s 6’10 Sophomore, defends the rim

Coach Pope was impressed. “They do a really good job (with their 3-2 zone). Part of that zone is really predicated on the big guy (6’10 Evan Ramsey) right around the basket. He bothers some shots. They can gamble out front. I thought we actually did a good job. We got some penetration, got some pretty good looks. (It) wasn’t our best shooting night. Got to give them some credit on that… part credit for them and part on us.

Falcon G 3 Jack Thacker draws a crowd

On the other end it was nip and tuck as well. Abingdon found the going around the basket tough, but kept at it. Coach Williams was impressed with his guard play. “That’s a fatiguing game for our point guard, (G 3) Jake Thacker. That work and to have to bring the ball up the floor against pressure all night long and still be able to make shots is a great performance on his part. (G/F 10) Chase (Hungate) was able to drive the ball to the basket, really attack. They kind of run and jumped and we were able to handle that pressure. And for us Evan (C 30 Ramsey) is a big factor. We survived the first half, and able to win it in the second.

Abingdon C 30 Evan Ramsey drew a lot of attention from the Vikings

Second Half – Northside continued to drive the ball and pound the boards at the outset of the second half. The Vikes went cold on the offensive end though, scoring only eight points.

Junior Northside G 10 Journiette drives for two

Viking G/F 10 Journiette scores around the rim in the second half

On top of that, Journiette picked up his fourth foul with 2:40 left in the quarter on an offensive foul, called at the top of the circle. Coach Pope thought that was key. “(I) felt like we got to half (time) in pretty good shape with all the foul trouble…kind of “in foul trouble” to “serious foul trouble.” When ‘Swish’ or Ayrion (G/F 11 Journiette) and Jamison (G/F 23 Foley) got to four (fouls) that was really tough. With that said we still kept battling and had some opportunities.” As Northside went cold, Abingdon got hot. The Falcons scored eigtheen in the quarter, with eight points coming from G/F 10 Hungate. Abingdon led 46-34 going into the fourth. The final stanza Northside turned up their offense, but it was too little, too late. The Falcons hit the big shots in the fourth. G 3 Jake Thacker, who led all scorers with twenty seven, hit two big threes. G/F 10 Hungate chipped in four fourth quarter points to finish with twenty two. Northside G/F 10 Journiette, with all his foul trouble, still scored twenty six.
Coach Aaron Williams noted his Senior leadership as critical (to the win) as well, “I thought our Seniors tonight really led us and made plays. It’s gratifying as a coach to see them work at it, shine in big moments and make shots.” In a crazy year, Coach Pope recalled the Viking’s season fondly. “Let’s put it in perspective…after Christmas, (we) still don’t know if we are going to get to play. Then it’s decided it’s a county schedule, but probably nothing else. So we play the county schedule, go 8-0 in that, and we are really proud of that. Get into the regions and had two terrific games in the regions.

Sophomore Viking F/G 11 Lawrence Cole

And even tonight, (I) felt like we played hard and never gave up. What an experience. When you’re thinking back a month and a half a go, we’re not even sure if we are going to get to share a basketball in practice.
I wouldn’t trade any of it. It’s been fatastic. (If we don’t get to play) These guys don’t get it back. I am thrilled we got to play, and so happy the school board made that decision.” Even in defeat, Coach Pope sees the silver lining.

Northside finished the season 10-1. The Falcons of Abingdon, 13-1, will now host Liberty Christian Academy (12-1) out of Lynchburg. LCA beat Spotswood 79-53 in their regional final.

Abingdon  –  Thacker 27 pts (1 FG, 5-3ptrs, 10/12 FT) Hungate 22 pts (8 FG, 6/8 FT) Ramsey 11 pts (5 FG, 1/2 FT) Quinn 5 pts (1 FG, 1-3ptr) Carter pts (2 FG) Gibson 3 pts (1-3ptr)

Northside Journiette 26 pts (9 FG, 2-3ptrs, 2/3 FT) Cole 10 pts (5 FG) Foley 6 pts (3 FG) Abshire 6 pts (2-3ptrs) Vanore 5 pts (1-3 ptrs, 2/2 FT) Bishop 4 pts (1FG, 2/2 FT) Smith 2pts (1 FG)

Abingdon celebrates after the hard fought win

Coach Pope and Coach William reflect on the season

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