Week 16 CrunchTIME Radio Show Dec 11, 2021

Week 16 CrunchTIME Radio Show Dec 11, 2021 598 396 SWVA High School Sports

Week 16 CrunchTIME Radio December 11, 2021

Welcome to CrunchTIME Radio (WPLY AM/FM), week 18 of Crunch and week 16 of the high school football season. On today’s State Championship Pre-Game show we talk with our two Crunch State Final Coaches on our US Cellular-Crunch Hotline. Our guests are Shane Allen, Galax and Frank Rocco, Liberty Christian Academy. Coach Allen talks about the challenge of facing a Riverheads program that is seeking it’s sixth straight State Championship, a Virginia record. Coach Rocco talks about his Bulldog team and facing a tough Phoebus team in the finals at Liberty University.

Also on this hour long is Jimmy Whitaker’s ‘Jimmy Thang‘ segment. Check it out.

Below is this week’s December 11, 2021 CrunchTIME Radio show.

CrunchTIME Radio show:

CrunchTIME is a live, local, high school sports radio show on Fox Sports on WPLY 610 AM or 101.1 FM. (although we do dabble in some college) Each Saturday morning at 10am to 11am we air our talk radio show around high school football in the fall/winter and basketball and wrestling in the winter/early spring. It runs from the second week of August through the State Championships in the second week of December for football. Basketball and Wrestling go until the end of March, with the basketball state finals.

If you miss the Crunch, or want to hear it again, log in here each week and listen to Carl, Jimmy, and Coach Randy recap our games of the week, the surprise outcomes, area scores, and commentary about everything between the lines on the field. We interview the players, the coaches, band members, cheerleaders, fans…. anyone is fair game for CrunchTIME. Each week we have an excerpt of an interview from a past legendary high school coach, a current high school coach or a great high school player from year’s past. In the fourth quarter of the hour long show, we run a segment called the ‘Jimmy Thang’ where our on air partner calls out a cool story that he heard at one of the games. We have a ‘Great 8’ debate (poll) highlighting our area’s top eight teams this week, as we see it and why. We’ll tell you “Five things you need to know about Virginia High School Football” this week. And we’ll tease next week’s best games.  Also, new this year, we will highlight a US Cellular ‘play of the day.’ It could be a player, a coach, cheerleader, marching band member, or someone in the student body section. You may here snippets of local bands, cheerleaders calling our CrunchTIME or listeners chiming in, putting their two cents worth in.

The show can also be listened to as a podcast on PodBean. If you want to see us make the show (how the sausage is made) each week, you can also find us on Facebook live.

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