2023 Crunch Player Interviews – Landen Clark, Radford Bobcats

2023 Crunch Player Interviews – Landen Clark, Radford Bobcats 2206 1242 SWVA High School Sports

Radford SR QB/S 7 Landen Clark

Why do you wear #7? I don’t know. I always wore #27 growing up. It just came up and I said I’ll wear it.

Pregame Ritual? Not really, honestly…. just listen to music

Favorite Music/Artist? I don’t think I have one. I like all the genres. Before the game I definitely like Rap.

Favorite Class and Teacher? Coach Crist and lifting

Who makes you better in practice? Definitely our Center, Noah ____. If the snaps not getting back there to me I can’t do what I need to do. Just the whole line definitely. They work hard every single day and it showed off tonight…and the WR’s too.

Who did you want to play well for tonight? Definitely my grandpa. He passed about five years ago.

Are you going to play in college? Yessir, I have plans.

Nickname? Lando

Favorite food and place to eat? My favorite food is probably Cheerios, and my favorite place to eat is Sharkys.


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